We launched our Private Beta! Testers are now installing our app via Apple Test Flight and the Google Play Beta channel. Over 15 testers are organizing their personal photos daily. The reaction is positive and users are requesting more collaboration features.

Five testers have already reached 100% sorted—their photos are now cleaned and organized into their Pickle Gallery. For example, for user “Andrey.” Pickle Pics backed up 522 files, cleaned 4 duplicates. They we organized into 501 “Moment” (groups of similar photos) to make sorting easier. And Andre swiped though them all in a short time to keep the 163 best ones in his Gallery
We are learning a ton! There were many bugs our testers helped us find and fix. Now, the biggest request is “How can I give my partner access to my Gallery!?” We’re working on that now for release. Stay tuned.