It’s very easy to take photos on a phone. And if you have friends that close their eyes a lot or are trying to get kids to stay still for a picture, you can end up with a “burst” of photos–multiple photos of the same scene, taken at the same time.

This has nothing to do with the iPhone Burst feature, which creates a giant mess of extra photos. These “bursts” are created just by tapping your finger a few times while you subjects get more impatient.
In a perfect world, right after taking them, we would all view the burst of shots, tag the best one, and hide the rest. Realistically, that doesn’t happen, and our photo archive fills up with unsorted bursts. Pickle wants to solve this problem in 3 ways:
First, Pickle will make sure to get that information from everywhere you ever created it. If you “favorited” photos on Flickr, Google Photos, or any other service, we can use that information. If you printed photos at Snapfish or Shutterfly, that is useful data. We can infer which of the burst is the best by which you added to old albums. Your past actions are a great way to identify which photos are you consider the best.
Second, you share the photos you love. If you share a photo from the Pickle App, we will automatically mark it as the best of the burst and it’s now sorted.
Third, Pickle makes it less daunting to pick the best photos. In our opinion, a lot of photo services made a mistake calling their approval feature “Favorites.” “Favorites” sounds too final and important. At Pickle, we want to help you get and keep all your photos sorted into “good” and “bad”. Our service identifies the “bursts” and gives you an easy interface for going through a few at a time, choosing the best. It takes the huge task of organizing your photos and chops it down to tiny tasks.
Why can’t a computer pick the best shots? Google Photos currently has this feature, but in my opinion, it only picks the actual best shot about half the time. When my family browses those shots and we see pictures of ourselves not looking our best (eyes closed, weird smiles)…it’s not enjoyable.
Pickle also offers an easy way to search for a ton of photos and delete them-“the ugly.” For example, you can search for all the photos never shared, not tagged as “good”, and not viewed in the past 2 years and delete them.
I like to hold off on deleting, because sometimes, the burst can tell a story. As long as the photos are hidden from my normal browsing, I don’t mind. And I never know when I might want to look at the whole burst.

Why do you want to tag “good” photos in your bursts? A photo archive feed without duplicates and only showing the “good” photo is much more of a pleasure to view. It become easy to page through it and enjoy the memories of your entire life–which is why we take photos in the first place.
